We scour the shoreline

hiding our secrets

in caverns and chests

meaningless to everyone

until no one remembers

Then we wade

into the brine

the setting sun

painting our bodies

in the golden hues

of dying ages

and dawning empires

Above us

stars seem to dance

about the heavens

but we are the ones spinning

in space

Staring into your eyes

keeps me grounded

even as we hurtle through the universe

life forms clinging to a rock

blips in the cosmos

negligible and insignificant

yet when I’m with you

it doesn’t feel that way at all

when I’m with you

I think perhaps the church had it closest

because I know where the center of the universe lies

and it’s not at the heart of some distant star

it’s right here with you

and everything leads to this moment

over and over again

preserved in the ambers of time

even as we drift through it

there will always be an imprint of us

floating in the waters

four-hundred and twenty-three meters

below sea level

blissfully unaware

of the ancient history

we soak in

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